Jurassic World Movies

Jurassic Park Operation Genesis 2?

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MemberCompsognathusSep-09-2012 8:56 PM
If there is another Operation Genesis, what are your personal ideas to add to the game?
40 Replies


MemberCompsognathusAug-26-2013 6:57 PM
JPOG is definately my favorite jurassic park game. From what I've seen, most people have good and similar ideas to what I'd like to see in JPOG2 (if there ever is one). Realistic graphics, much bigger island, more dinos, etc... Also i think it'd be cool to be able to be a visitor in your park, so for site b, it's almost like a free roam map except you made the island and the dinos on it. But generally, most ppl have the same ideas


MemberCompsognathusAug-27-2013 2:50 PM
I would like to see the same thing, but maybe better graphics and some new faces such as; *Amargasaurus *Apatosaurus *Baryonyx *Carnotaurus *Compsognathus *Iguanodon *Pachyrhinosaurus *Troodon *Tuojiangosaurus *Yutyrannus It wold be very interesting to see some new gameplay mechanics such as Floods or blackouts. but In all honesty, I don't want to see a lot of changes so it feels like I'm still play JPOG, some mad scientist RPG to some levels.


MemberCompsognathusSep-02-2013 5:18 AM
Imagine JPOG 2 with Oculus Rift support... If people here have seen the Oculus Rift. Think of the possibilitys.


MemberCompsognathusOct-24-2013 7:20 PM
I love this game, but it could use a sequel. A submarine section with Elasmosaurus and Itchthyasaurus would be awesome. A pteranadon cage could be nice. I agree with the raptor sub-species idea. Hotels on the island would be really cool because 10 real seconds is one day, 30 is a month, 360 is a full year. Updated cars would be great. Like, a jeep for the rangers, or you could be a ranger on foot. Better graphics. More equal battles between dinos. AND WAY WAY MORE DINOSAURS. About 50 would be cool. There should not be a dino limit. Different genders would be a great update for site B.
Remind me to thank John for a lovely weekend. -Ian Malcom-

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexOct-24-2013 7:51 PM
That's a pretty cool idea. It would be really cool if the time was adjustable (real time, 4x time, 10x time, and 1/2 time for example).

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusOct-28-2013 3:54 AM
Hi guys! i think everyone need to look at this:[url=http://jplegacy.org/board/showthread.php?t=24853]Your text to link here...[/url]
My blog:http://prehistoric-world.blogspot.hu/


MemberCompsognathusFeb-11-2014 1:18 AM

if it was a mix of jpog2 and pramal carnage


MemberCompsognathusNov-26-2014 8:49 PM

The original game and the franchise at large has a large fan base, and in light of the new movie and wild popularity of such games, it really makes sense to produce new and improved sequel.

The sequel should build upon the first by adding more buildings and more controls. It should also retain cheat functions or a sandbox mode so that people can take game functions and their creativity to the max. If there is one thing I would emphasize, it's details. Make it detailed and functional.

Dinosaur intelligence should be reviewed. In the original, it seemed like sometimes the dinosaurs couldn't find their way out of a paper bag. When you put feeders and water in an enclosure, dinos shouldn't die of malnutrition and dehydration. Additionally, limits to the number of species you can raise should be removed.

The vehicle control system was decent at the time, but it could be really done well now. A garage with various vehicles would be fun. Security, fire rescue, vet, etc.. It would be interesting to have a top-down build and management mode and also a character free roam/mission mode. So a player would have a character which could interact with vehicles, buildings, and visitors/employees in order to complete missions.



MemberCompsognathusJan-25-2015 8:36 PM

I would love to ask the developers of the game to make another one but I don't think they would listen

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusJan-26-2015 12:58 PM


I'll just wait for Prehistoric Kingdom, but I still have some ideas for JP:OG 2-


An enterance and Visitor Center placeable. It would just be better like that. Also, their should be placeable monorails for transport, along with a Gyrosphere attraction to fit in with Jurassic World. I believe the twenty species in JP:OG should return, along with these-


























     Also, bettter graphics and improved AI would already be in the game, but the limits should be removed. Also, male and female animals should be in the game. However, maybe a little more realism to the dinosaurs than the JP series had would be nice.


“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

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