Jurassic World Movies

2nd Tyrannosaurus species described?

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MemberTriceratopsJan-11-2024 5:21 PM

It has been a while since my last post.  Hope everyone has been doing alright.

In case no one has heard the news in paleontology, there has been a new Tyrannosaurus species named, T. macraeensis.  It was described as large as T.rex but with smaller lacrimal crests and a shallower lower jaw, as well as a smoother curve at the distal end of the dentary.  It also was estimated to have lived about 5 million years earlier than when we believe T.rex first showed up.

Naturally, this description has come under doubt from several prominent paleontologists like Drs Carr and Holtz, and they have valid points (much like those made about the renewed hypothesis earlier this week that Nanotyrannus is a valid genus afterall).

Here is Viveden's video that describes this in more detail.

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