Jurassic World Movies

Arthropleura:Scary or Not?

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MemberTriceratopsJul-18-2022 7:03 PM

Scary or Not welcomes Arthropleura

What If Arthropleura Didn't Get Extinct? - YouTube

Arthropleura was a large extinct bug that could reach 2.7 Meters and closely resembles the modern day MILLIPEDE. Despite this I dont seem to be scared of it. But if it was alive to day simply ill just buy a gun and shoot it, or just grab a spear and stab it. BUT WHAT ABOUT YOU? Do you think Arthropleura is scary?

4 Replies


MemberAllosaurusJul-18-2022 7:19 PM

Yeah the giant millipede that could rear up and look a grown man in the eye, I would be scared if one pops up in my neck of the woods. I live in the rural parts of America were the nearest sporting store is in the big cities.

But if it turns out to be harmless then I wouldn't be too worried about it. Would probably be a farmer's nightmare in addition to regular bugs, rabbits, armadillos, and deer



MemberTriceratopsJul-18-2022 7:22 PM

The next contender is another BUG


MemberBrachiosaurusJul-19-2022 7:21 AM


"Neither beast nor man. Something monstrous."


MemberAllosaurusJul-19-2022 2:25 PM

You want to wrestle with one?

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