Jurassic World Movies

(*Contains Spoilers*)Who has the most brutal death?

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Therizinosaurus Rex(aka Kaijusaurs)

MemberCompsognathusJun-15-2015 3:48 PM




But I'm sure most of you guys saw the movie.





Who do you think has the most brutal death? It could be anyone like random people or a Dinosaurus



To me its Zara why? because she fricken got peck by Pteronodons then got munch by Mosasaurus along with Pteronodon.

Therizinosaurus for JW2!

62 Replies


MemberCompsognathusJun-15-2015 6:36 PM

@Something Real and Raptor-401

Glad to hear I'm not the only one! And yes, I agree, I don't understand how people can enjoy it, it's horrible.


MemberAllosaurusJun-15-2015 6:38 PM

Jurassic World did not horrify anyone I know. Horror is meant to well, horrify people. And Jurassic Park never horrified me, even in the "scariest parts".


Seriously though, HOW DO PEOPLE ENJOY SAW MOVIES!?!?!?




Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJun-15-2015 6:40 PM

KASEY KOCKROACH - You make a very compelling case for your assertion. Let us examine it in greater detail. Your argument is that the Indominous Rex's presence within the film entitled a certain amount of horror. I agree. However, the velociraptors in Jurassic Park also increased the dread and suspense to a large degree - one that (in my opinion) far exceeded that presented by the I-rex in Jurassic World. Zara's death felt almsot exploitative - viciousness for its own sake.

Kasey Kockroach

MemberCompsognathusJun-15-2015 6:48 PM

There is no true horror to Saw. Cringing, which I suppose in some way can be related to fear, but they're still pretty artless with no underlying purpose to their gruesomeness beyond making audiences recoil in revulsion (though I have been told the first Saw film isn't that bad). 

The (apparently infamous as far as I've witnessed, and I've been quite fascinated) death being discussed here is quite different in execution. It's DELIBERATELY brutal, and very intentionally horrifying, certainly among the strongest moments of such in the film. You're SUPPOSED to sympathize and relate to the poor woman's undeserved predicament, just as the poor woman in the opening of Jaws didn't deserve her fate. Indominus indirectly caused this by scaring away the pterodactyls and causing them to have a massive panic, the winged beasts clearly scared out of their minds and acting more out of that than any real aggression. In a way, I sympathize with them as much as I do for the humans being terrorized. 

As for the first film's raptors, they remain animals lashing out and attacking out of natural instinct. The series has always presented the dinosaurs as animals, not monsters who seek and kill for pleasure. Even the spinosaurus can be seen as being very territorial. 



MemberAllosaurusJun-15-2015 6:59 PM

I think Jurassic World did that not really to horrify audiences but to just simply scare them a little bit and show them a possible outcome of what would happen if or when man tries to control and trap nature, eventually the consequences becoming cruel and taking the innocent out with it.


EVen then, for all we know this could have been a mean lady, what if she was rude? The point is, there is not much to know about her as if she was really "innocent", just a little thought of mine I wanted to put out there.


Kasey Kockroach

MemberCompsognathusJun-15-2015 7:06 PM

I gather she was indeed a bit cold, but then, so was Claire at first. I had gotten the understated impression she was devoted to her work in a way that left her as emotionally surpressed as her boss. She was understandably annoyed at having to babysit her boss' nephews, but she clearly sounded distraught when they went missing. The boys were upset that their aunt had pretty much emotionally abandoned them at first, and took it out their emotional frustrations on their babysitter. 


MemberAllosaurusJun-15-2015 7:08 PM

Well the babysitter could have been freaking out since she was probably thinking that she might be losing her job if she can't find the kids she is supposed to be taking care of.


Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJun-15-2015 7:11 PM

KASEY KOCKROACH - This is a most engaging conversation! I believe it could be argued that the woman presented in Jaws directly shows the monstrous nature of the shark itself. On the other hand, Zara is killed in a fashion that only depicts the choas that ensues due to the I-rex's rampage. The pteranodons and other winged reptiles are not panicking at the point in which they descend upon the crowds in which Zara is standing; they are actively hunting - otherwise, they would have simply flown on in terror to evade the creature that had inadvertantly set them loose. The value of Zara's death felt inconsequential within the scheme of the film; an arbitrary throw-in that was added to produce shock. Indeed, I sympathized with her plight - but it did not move me to feel disdain toward the film's villain. It only left me thinking "why?". This, in my opinion, is not of value to the film. Had the filmmakers desired for me to feel anger for the I-rex's rampage, they should have had it slay Zara. As it stands, we have only cause and effect; nothing stimulating or emotionally rivetting. Intellectual honesty demands a certain amount of leeway; there is no mistake with regards to that sentiment. However, I can not shake this underlying sense that Zara's death was a sideshow attraction.


MemberCompsognathusJun-15-2015 7:14 PM


Maybe, but I just didn't feel like that was what the movie was trying to give off.

Kasey Kockroach

MemberCompsognathusJun-15-2015 7:21 PM

In the long run, I'm only expressing my personal view and don't really see myself as being 'correct'. I watch B-monster movies more often than I probably should, so I'm aware I'm desensitized to things like this scene, of which is indeed QUITE mild compared to what I've witnessed in other films (many far more deserving of backlash than this). 

Really, my main point is honestly...what's the big deal? Someone got eaten in a Jurassic Park movie? Stop the presses!

I also must honestly express...I think it's only controversial because it's a woman involved, she wasn't established as a complete jerk, and she was played by an actress who, from what I've seen, has a following. I truly don't think we'd be nearly as shocked if it was, say, a fat drunken man going through that. :P

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusJun-15-2015 7:24 PM

Hands down Zara. She might've even been alive when she was swallowed by the Mosasaurus.


Hamanda is probably a second. He was grabbed by the Indominus, shocked by electric weapons, dropped about 10 feet, and crushed bythe Indominus rex's foot.

“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster

Kasey Kockroach

MemberCompsognathusJun-15-2015 7:31 PM

On a side note, to make a grim confession, I find Zara's death kind of funny in a 'dark comedy' sort of way. In fact, there's a lot of understated black comedy throughout (like the fat security guard's death by means of choosing the lamest hiding spot possible, or Hoskins becoming into a hilariously pathetic stuttering mess as he faces the raptor that's clearly been longing to rip him apart). 


MemberCompsognathusJun-15-2015 7:32 PM

@Kasey Kockroach

Being totally honest, you have a point there with the fat drunken man theory.

Kasey Kockroach

MemberCompsognathusJun-15-2015 7:44 PM

If anything, it's actually less gruesome than Eddie's death in Lost World. 

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJun-15-2015 8:09 PM

KASEY KOCKROACH - You have made many extremely good points - all of which I respect and understand in their context and validity. Thank you for engaging in this conversation; you have conducted yourself in an incredibly calm, intelligent and respectful manner - aspects I find to be exceedingly valuable and admirable! Well done, my friend! :)

Kasey Kockroach

MemberCompsognathusJun-15-2015 8:18 PM

Well, that there is the strangest post I've ever read in an internet forum. :P

I kid, I kid.

Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJun-15-2015 8:36 PM

KASEY KOCKROACH - Hahaha! Goofball! ;)

Kasey Kockroach

MemberCompsognathusJun-15-2015 9:20 PM

To express one more view, I think her death is kind of the point of the movie. If you see a million extras acting as people in a crowded park, running around in circles with CGI dinosaurs chasing them, you don't really think about any one particular person's problems and the loss of their life. Seeing the brutalization of a character that actually shows feelings helps you forget these are creatures and fictional monsters that normally only attack nameless people in the background. That's what gives the movie weight, stakes, tension, like a main protagonist (Pratt, Howard, Sy, Wong) could actually be seriously injured or die, that each human's life is seriously on the line. 


Something Real

MemberTyrannosaurus RexJun-15-2015 9:42 PM

KASEY KOCKROACH - Hmm...I can certainly see your point. That is most assuredly another aspect that must be considered and weighed when viewing the film. :)


MemberAllosaurusJun-15-2015 10:02 PM

I just stand by my point that the scene is meant for guilty but brutal fun in a sequel that has been hyped and constantly evolving for so many years.


I still think it was awesome in the way Vader said earlier, and I stand by my point, people sometimes take this stuff way too seriously.



MemberAllosaurusJun-15-2015 10:09 PM

Also it could be to show them as monsters as you say. They even said in the movie that they are not natural and very inaccurate as to what dinosaurs really looked like.

Even Trevorrow mentioned how nothing was natural in the movie, the point of Jurassic World to be how when man plays "God" (God complex that the Jurassic Park movies focus on a lot) he must face the consequences, no matter how harsh and unfair.

AN example being how this women, Zara, most unfortunately died. Not just die, but ultimately suffer.



MemberCompsognathusJun-15-2015 11:56 PM

I was going to make this thread...but you did so thats great! XD


I still don't agree with people saying Zara had the worst death I hear it everywhere...

Is it because she is a woman? Is it because she is innocent? Someone was going to get snatched sooner or later and someone was going to have to be Moses food...


Also I liked how they killed characters who didn't deserve it/innocent, it made it feel more real and unpredictable, like my brothers reaction to Masrani's death, he was so cool and nice then BOOM!!!!


I dislike how people over look workers/unamed characters...The worst death was by far that ACU who got destroyed, (PK even said he got decapicated!) or that first worker... we all saw the trailer and clip, but the final version was different, I watched an inteview with the updated/cinema release version, played in slow motion and it bloody was using its hands to tear him apart, it pull his bloody leg off! Plus that death will always stay with me since that moment in the cinema, an advanced cinema (much louder) at midnight and hearing that crunch and tearing... 


Thats is just my thought, and if people are going to come back with it went fast, well I belive being crushed is quicker (MOSES HAD A SECOND ROW OF TEETH) than what Muldoon, Udesky or other fallen raptor victims got not to mention Nedry, so yeah...



MemberCompsognathusJun-16-2015 12:05 AM

I also think Hamada had a brutal death, not what I wanted, but brutal. I never realised he got electified, and I saw it twice (and I am seeing it at the IMA 3D this weekend!), but none the less, it crushed him in its grip, he was dropped and was dunked in water then stomped on....ouch........


Also Cooper was in serious pain aswell as Nash who was leg bitten, then dropped and then stomped on, It is actually similar to Hamada....



But yeah the ACU and Worker do it for me....


MemberCompsognathusJun-16-2015 7:16 AM

Zara died badly...I mean she wasn't even the main villian or even of the villians...couldn't it have been the guy in Ingen Military (forgot his name)

But if I had to choose other than Zara...

There's the guy (I'm so sorry I forgot their names) who died in the airplane...

Then there's Charlie (I think), which became roasted chicken)

Also let's not forgot who I-rex went down

Mosasurus will proabably die the sadest...it's stuck ._.  

 Childhood Nightmare

 “Absence of proof is not proof of absence.” 
― M. Crichton, The Lost World


MemberCompsognathusJun-16-2015 7:23 AM

EDIT: Masrani in the helicopter 

 Childhood Nightmare

 “Absence of proof is not proof of absence.” 
― M. Crichton, The Lost World

Tyrant king

MemberCompsognathusJun-16-2015 9:11 AM

Zara's death was horrific and undeserved, getting picked up by a pterosaur, dropped then caught mid air, then the same thing again in then dropped into the water in then picked up again then crushed and eaten by the mosasaur. Brutal. But atleast the pterosaur got what he deserved. 



Another worthy mention was when masanari died, no one except that one girl in the lab actually cared or mentioned his death. 


Community ExecutiveMemberCompsognathusJun-16-2015 10:40 AM

The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you


MemberCompsognathusJun-16-2015 11:03 PM

Horrific, but not the worst.


MemberCompsognathusJun-16-2015 11:06 PM

I think this 'deserved' stuff is annoying, no one in the franchise deserved to die but Nedry really, and Ludlow, you can say Dieter, Carter, Gennaro, etc. but they were still inocent, they were just d**k heads. 

The hunters in TLW didn't deserve to die, the ACU and workers of anyhting were just doing their job.


MemberCompsognathusJun-17-2015 12:05 AM

BTW how you get that GIF as part of your signature? I tried but can't do it.

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