Jurassic World Movies

The King: Chapter 5: Smile

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MemberAllosaurusAug-28-2014 5:36 PM

Chapter 5

12:30 AM. James wasn’t able to fall asleep, so he pulled out his laptop to check his e-mail. He had one from Taylor.

It read out:

You won’t believe the horrors I have just read tonight… after school, let’s meet in the corner of the Junior Hallway… God, we seriously need to discuss of what we’re going to do!!! In the meantime, stay away from Fernando!!!

James then closed his laptop, ready for what was to happen tomorrow.

Or was he?


Jesus was walking to school, even though he usually was driven to school. He had not gotten the e-mail from Taylor. He didn’t know that Fernando was now dangerous.

Jesus turned around to see that Fernando was walking behind him. Jesus smiled and gestured at Fernando, with Fernando giving no response.

Then, from nowhere, came a stray dog. It was giant, ugly German Shepard, and it started to lung forward at Jesus. The dog went and started biting at Jesus’s legs.

Jesus begin to scream for help, for Fernando to do something…


But Fernando just stood there… smiling… laughing

The dog had started to bite Jesus head.


After a few moments, he stopped moving. After the dog finsihed him, Fernando threw a big rock at the dog’s head. He then walked forward, now looking at the bodies of a dead boy and a dead dog. Fernando picked out his phone, paused for a few moments, and dialed 911.

“Yes!!! There’s been an accident my friend has been attacked by a dog, and I don’t know if he’s alive or not!!!!” Said Fernando.

The call continued, and the ambulance came and carried Jesus away, while some police officers were interviewing Fernando. He was crying, and told them the story, stating that the dog attacked Jesus, and he was trying to figure out how to save him, and threw a rock at the dog, but by then it might have already been too late.

They believed him, and he went to school, telling the whole story. After school, the others meant as planned.

“I can tell that sick mothervucker is lying, I know it!!! Paden said, angrily.

“Of course he is!!! My God, what has happened…?” Said Adam, crying.

They still didn’t know whether or not Jesus survived.

“Look, we need to report him to the police!” Said James.

“For what!!! There’s no evidence against his story!!” Said Adam.

“NO!!! I mean we have to show his Diary to the cops!!! To our parents!!! Someone who can do something!!!” Said James.

“If we do that, we could get into trouble!!! What we did was illegal, after all!!!” Said Jay, horribly frustrated.

“So we’re just going to let him get even more physcothic!!!” Said Ethan.

Everyone went silent.

Ryan was there.

“I’ll tell my parents about everything.” He said.

Everyone then calmed down, and they then began walking to the hospital, where they would see about Jesus and his fate.


From the corner of the hallway, Fernando looked disgusted.

Luckily, he knew a lot about computers… Ryan, well he would have to deal with at a later time.




Hope you all liked it! Please leave a comment!!!


31 Replies


MemberCompsognathusAug-29-2014 10:52 AM

Scifi king is 12 and dinamosaurus is also 12

@JRR300 on discord @JesusRamirex13 on Twitter 
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