Jurassic World Movies

Welcome to Jurassic Park! (Introduce yourself!)

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MemberCompsognathusJul-13-2014 6:35 PM



Recently I noticed we have a sudden large amount of New Members, And, As many of us once were, It's kinda hard to Introduce yourself, Or get people to know you...




This topic (Welcome to Jurassic park) Is so New, (And you old) Members can Introduce yourselves. It helps to meet new people.




If your new, In the comments below include the following:



Favourite Dinosaur:

Favourite JP Movie:

Something Really Interesting About yourself:


Thats it. 


Thats really it.


Now, I can only do so much as to help you Introduce yourself, The rest, You've got to do on your own. 






Oh, and one last thing.

 In the Iconic Words of Sir Richard Attenborough,


"Welcome, To Jurassic Park,"


Added by **AL**

To the newbies that are interested in  how this community works: 



Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

119 Replies


MemberCompsognathusJan-12-2015 11:08 PM

Hello, my name is Elvaarg, but my name given at birth is Brian. 

My favorite dinosaur is the Utahraptor because of one of my favorite books, Raptor Red.

My favorite Jurassic Park movie is the first one, but The Lost World is CLOSE behind.

And an interesting fact about myself is that I was the captain of my varsity football team in high school and almost went on to play college football but I instead decided to stay home and go to a community college as a cheaper option and so I could also work.

I look forward to discussing Jurassic World with all of you!


MemberCompsognathusJan-12-2015 11:11 PM

hi everyone,

I'm Clevergirl19 a.k.a Eleanor

fave dinosaurs: the RAPTORS and of course the T-REX! :D

fave movies: ALL three JPS! :)

something interesting about me: ummm..ummm.um.umm.. ever since I was little I was totally obsessed with dinosaurs and even had a little paleontology kit! When I heard about the release for jurassic world, I totally freaked out!! I'm really excited!! :D


MemberAllosaurusFeb-05-2015 11:09 PM

Username: Xenotaris, my first name is Aaron

Favourite Dinosaur: I love all dinosaurs equally but my favorite has to be Dilophosaurus.

Favourite JP Movie: Jurassic Park, Jurassic Park: The Lost World, and I hope Jurassic World will be next on my List, Jurassic Park 3 was watchable but could of been better.

Something Really Interesting About yourself: I was born the year when the Jurassic park Novel was published in 1989. Been a dinosaur fanatic all of my life... well after I've seen the first jurassic park in theaters of course.



MemberCompsognathusApr-22-2015 4:34 AM

Hello everyone, my name is Luís and I'm from Portugal.


My favorite dinosaur is T. rex

My favorite JP film is Jurassic Park.


I'm a huge Jurassic Park fan and animal entusiast.


MemberCompsognathusApr-23-2015 3:22 PM

Not going to give my real name. 

Favorite dino is T. Rex with Utahraptor a close second.

JP1 is not only the greatest JP movie but the greatest movie ever in my opinion. 

Something interesting about myself?  I like science and art.  Also I am an enemy of Trevorrow and Jurassic World.  Yes you heard me and enemy!!!  I will be boycotting it at the theaters and hope it flops.  I could rant on and on about the problems I foresee with this movie, but mostly I am extrememly disappointed with the design of the dinos.  They fall way short of the potential that feature film dinos should have at this point in the franchise.  But this is for another topic.


MemberCompsognathusApr-23-2015 5:07 PM

Welcome, Welcome. 


So great to see so many new members!


I look foreward to seeing you all out on the forums!

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusApr-24-2015 2:32 PM

I am NintenWill, but Will is fine

My favourite dinosaur is Carcharodontosaurus

My favourite film is a tie between Jurassic Park and Godzilla (2014)

Loved dinosaurs since I was a toddler, still love em' now that I'm 16 and I have an

array of medical conditions ( ?° ?? ?°) 


MemberTriceratopsApr-28-2015 7:21 AM

hey im kaijufall everyone calls me kaiju my real name is wheeler

favorite dino is acrocanthrosaurus

favorite movie jurassic park 

something intersting i have 3 geckos as pets and plan to be a paleontoligist

i am 15 i dont talk much also so.....

"i dont know what weapons will be used in world war 3 but i know what wil be in world war 4...sticks and stones"Albert Eienstien


MemberCompsognathusApr-28-2015 5:34 PM

Welcome, To Jurassic Park.





It is still early on. We may see an change in the CGI when the Final Product hits theaters. My one thing for you to take away, is don't count your Chicks before the eggs have finished hatching.

We don't have all the facts yet, But you are very much welcome to your own Oppinion with your dislike of the film. Best of luck with your Boycott. (I'd be interested in Hearing some of your opinions against the dislike of it, But in fear of starting a Forum war, PM could work easier as well.)




Welcome to the forums. 

(Shucks, there was a Tie between the two, But that is a  very fair tie.)




Welcome to JWNews Forum!


One thing That will trouble me long after this forum vanishes in a few years... Is how many Paleontologists passed through this forum before going onto their dreams. Best of luck down that road. 






Welcome All to the Forums!

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusJul-15-2015 2:32 PM

Hello, I'm Phorusrhacos.

My favorite dinosaur is Ceratosaurus.

My favorite Jurassic Park film is the first film. Jurassic Park III had an interesting concept with the whole dinosaurs living in a tropical lost world, but it just didn't have that Speilberg touch.

Something interesting about me would be that I'm a big fan of phorusrhacids a.k.a terror birds. I've always found them interesting ever since I saw a PaleoWorld episode when I was young. I feel they are pretty underrated animals when compared to dinosaurs and sabre-toothed cats and the like. 

Sword Sam

MemberCompsognathusJul-18-2015 6:40 PM



Jurassic Park (No, Duh.)

I Like Godzilla Too. Yep. I'm Good Now.


MemberCompsognathusAug-28-2015 5:28 AM

Username: LOLminerLP

Favourite Dinosaur: Velociraptor (Dilophosaurus and Tyrannsaurus too)

Favourite JP Movie: Jurassic Park (Jurassic World too)

Something Really Interesting About yourself: I never have seen dinosaurs :D


MemberCompsognathusAug-31-2015 4:06 AM

Hi, I'm dinosenpointe aka Carin

My favorite dinosaur is the velociraptor

My favorite movie is the first JP and JW

Stuff about me- I don't know what to put here aside from I do ballet. That's the reason for the username. I wasn't born yet on 1993 =(

life finds a way


MemberTriceratopsSep-08-2015 8:42 PM

Ello everyone. I joined 8/20/2015 but I just found this thread today xD. Here goes.

Username: Is VirtualVel and it stands for VirtualVelociraptor

Favourite Dinosaur: Velociraptor

Favourite JP Movie: Jurassic Park (The first one)

Something Really Interesting About yourself: I'm a science gamer girl and I love dinosaurs and science games. I aslo draw and do graphic designs which I learned how to do from my dad <3. If you want to know more about me feel free to ask and read my profile.


MemberCompsognathusSep-09-2015 6:23 AM

Hi all!


I am Jurassic Unicast

My Favourite Dinosaur has to be the one and only T-Rex.

Jurassic Park 1 rules over all other. (closely followed by Jurassic World)

Something interesting about me....I have seen the actual T-rex leg used in Jurassic Park 1, I own a few original film cells from JP1 and the most interesting thing I have done is write a book about what happens after Jurassic Park 3 (this was before J World came out)




MemberAllosaurusSep-18-2015 3:58 PM

^Cool stuff guys!

I'm GorillaGodzilla, a Moderator for these forums :D. Glad to see new people on the block, and looking forward to your works of fiction :).


Good grief.


MemberAllosaurusSep-18-2015 4:39 PM

Welcome everyone to the forum, welcome to Jurassic Park!

Here in the Jurassic World forum you can find other subforums here, here are all of them:

Jurassic World Movie

Jurassic Park Movies

Jurassic Park Games

Dinosaur Discussions

Jurassic World Fan Artwork

Jurassic World Merchandise


Those are the six types of discussion you can find here, if you have any questions about them PM me and I will be sure to reply back as soon as possible.


We also have other forums for other movies as well, such as a Star Wars Forum!

If you want to know more about Scified in general, you can PM me or any of the staff right HERE



MemberCompsognathusNov-22-2015 9:36 AM

My name is aguirrefirth.

Fav dino... T-Rex, definitely T-Rex!

Fav movie... JP the original. Nothing beats the original! =)

I am an avid illustrator and specialize on sci-fi creatures (mainly dinos and star wars characters). you can check out my stuff on Instagram instagram.com/aguirrefirth/



AdminIndoraptorNov-22-2015 10:27 AM

Welcome to the forums! I'll definitely check out your Instagram.

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4


MemberTriceratopsNov-22-2015 1:13 PM

My name is ChrisRemix

My favorite Dino is Spinosaurus

My favorite JP movie is Jurassic Park. (Second is Jurassic World)

An interesting thing about me is that I am an artist and will post pictures here on Scified when given the chance. I also love video games.


Community ExecutiveMemberCompsognathusNov-23-2015 9:43 PM

hey guys and welcome to JP :D 


I saw what u did there ChrisRemix- :P


Aguirre I was taking a look of ur instagram

Una foto publicada por Anson Aguirre Firth (@aguirrefirth) el 21 de Nov de 2015 a la(s) 3:27 PST

The world will spin well past our last breath, but I will always care about you


MemberCompsognathusDec-09-2015 5:26 AM

Name(User):Rkor215.                             Favorite dino:probably never heard of it but it's Styracosaurus.                             Favorite JP or JW movie so far:JP:TLW                  

I Meme Everything

MemberAllosaurusJan-01-2016 12:45 PM

I'm The Gaming T. rex

My favorite dinosaur is obviously Tyrannosaurus rex

My favorite JP movie is Jurassic Park

Interesting fact about me-nothing, really

"Part of the journey is the end..."


MemberAllosaurusMar-08-2016 12:48 AM




MemberCompsognathusJan-05-2017 11:40 AM

Hello Community,


Well, I’m new here and want to tell about myself.

Username: Beehoney


Favorite Dinosaur: Triceratops or Ankylosaurus


Favorite JP Movie: Jurassic Park (Exactly! Jurassic World is just a copy of JP with new characters and the park is open.)


Something Really Interesting About yourself: I love dinosaurs. I am on light side #Star Wars. I know Han Solo shoots first. I like to write fanfiction professional – not fangirly! More in my comments.   




MemberCompsognathusJan-18-2017 1:37 PM

Username: Bheller234

Favourite Dinosaur: Is there a wrong answer to this? I don't think there is one I don't like. But if I have to choose a favorite it has always been the Velociraptor!

Favourite JP Movie: If you put any in a player I will watch it and love every second of it.

Something Really Interesting About yourself: I play roller derby and my derby name is Toxic Avenge-Her. I love pretty much every Dinosaur out there and always have. I have a tattoo on my leg that looks like raptor scratches and a tattoo on my side of a Velociraptor.


AdminIndoraptorJan-19-2017 7:09 AM

Welcome to the forums! Those sound like some awesome tattoos, is the Velociraptor based on the ones from Jurassic Park?

Hyped for: Alien: Romulus | Badlands (Predator 6) | Cloverfield 4

Cosmic panda

MemberCompsognathusJan-25-2017 12:44 PM

Hi! Iam CosmicPanda & i luv aquatic dinosaurs!






MemberCompsognathusApr-14-2017 12:23 AM

My favorite dinosaur is the Tyrannosaurus also jurassic park is my favortie of the franchise.  I am 32 and after seeing JP in theaters has a kid there was no turning back.  I  am very into doing for example dirtbikes, lifting, running, and martial arts, basically if you can get hurt sign me up furthermore I have a huge passion for horror movies and run a clossed group on facbook called the horror place. 


MemberCompsognathusApr-17-2017 12:16 AM

Thank you, i like Jurassic World 2 Community Stats.



sbobet mobile

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