Jurassic World Movies

What you want to see in JG

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Hardrisour Hero

MemberCompsognathusDec-13-2013 5:14 PM

This is what you want to see in Jurassic Genetics and not what you have seen already. You can put dinosaus,buildings,types of rides, or fan art of what you want to see. Please do not put any official ings unless you r telling someone about what they said. Personally i want to see nocturnal dinos that hide in caves in the day and comeout at night like troodon and carnotaurus. I would also like hotels so visitors will stay longer and gives a way for extra money. I would also want a way to build and expand the avian and aquatic dinos exibets and see them easily. So what are your ideas?

22 Replies

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusDec-13-2013 7:58 PM

Aquatic/air-borne animals would be a good idea.


I want to see T-rex larger and stronger than before. JPOG had it at the same size as the JP III Rex(37 ft long and 14 ft tall). I wanna see a Rexy sized beast(46 ft long and 22 ft tall). Other than a few more dinosaurs, I think I'm pretty happy with what's been established and what they have in mind.

"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexDec-13-2013 8:00 PM

That's interesting Rex Fan. I'm going to say Giga and Charcar, and maybe Tarbosaurus or a smaller Tyrannosaur.


Jack of all trades. Master of none

Rex Fan 684

MemberCompsognathusDec-13-2013 8:04 PM

They don't have any abelisaurs yet. Tarascosaurus, Carnotaurus, and Majungatholus would be good additions. I think if they do a smaller tyrannosaur(Albertosaurus was in the first one), I'd like to see Daspletosaurus more than anything. The really large carnivores they had in JPOG were Carcharodontosaurus, Allosaurus, Spinosaurus, Acrocanthosaurus, and Tyrannosaurus. I think Giganotosaurus would be a good addtion and maybe Suchomimus or Tarbosaurus, but the variety of large theropods featured in the original was pretty good alread. Like I said, I just wanna see a size increase for T-rex.

"Men like me don't start the wars. We just die in them. We've always died in them, and we always will. We don't expect any praise for it, no parades. No one knows our names." ―Alpha-98

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexDec-13-2013 8:12 PM

That's the big thing, bigger Rex. I was going to say Tarbosaurus, but it's so close to Rex that I didn't bother. Albertosaurus, Daspletosaurus, Gorgosaurus, those would be nice to have.

Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusDec-14-2013 2:55 AM

Hehe ;)

Ok. Hardrisour Hero, I don't know about nocturnal behavior, but it's possible. Hotels are very likely, if not a sure thing, and marine and flying reptiles are already a reality. ;)

RexFan. Rex's gonna be bigger than in JPOG. And about all those theropod species you listed, well, I made a list of all dino and reptile species for the game. I'll show it to you:

-Theropods: Herrerasaurus; Coelophysis; Dilophosaurus; Ceratosaurus; Cryolophosaurus; Metriacanthosaurus (Yangchuanosaurus); Baryonyx; Suchomimus; Spinosaurus; Carnotaurus; Tarascosaurus; Megalosaurus; Allosaurus; Giganotosaurus; Carcharodontosaurus; Acrocanthosaurus; Proceratosaurus; Yutyrannus; Albertosaurus; Tarbosaurus; Tyrannosaurus; Therizinosaurus; Gallimimus; Ornithomimus; Deinocheirus; Compsognathus; Ornitholestes; Oviraptor; Gigantoraptor; Velociraptor; Deinonychus; Balaur; Troodon;
-Sauropods: Brachiosaurus; Camarasaurus; Apatosaurus; Mamenchisaurus; Argentinosaurus; Amargasaurus; Titanosaurus;
-Ornithopods: Triceratops; Styracosaurus; Einiosaurus; Torosaurus; Protoceratops; Centrosaurus; Ankylosaurus; Edmontonia; Stegosaurus; Kentrosaurus; Tuojiangosaurus; Dryosaurus; Hypsilophodon; Pachycephalosaurus; Homalocephale; Camptosaurus; Iguanodon; Ouranosaurus; Parasaurolophus; Lambeosaurus; Corythosaurus; Edmontosaurus; Maiasaura;  Brachylophosaurus;

Aquatic reptiles (and fish ;) ): Ichtyosaurus,Mosasaurus; Elasmosaurus; Kronosaurus; Liopleurodon; Mauisaurus; Platecarpus; Dunkleosteus;
Flying reptiles: Pteranodon; Cearadactylus; Quetzalcoatlus, Hatzegopteryx; Ornitocheirus; Pterodaustro; Nyctosaurus; Tapejara;

So, 80 species.

NOTE: it has to be approved yet.


PS- I'm working on a concept art and the Pachy model right now. ;)


Proud founder of the site Theropods Wiki! www.theropods.wikia.com

Hardrisour Hero

MemberCompsognathusDec-14-2013 6:24 PM

Well what i mean is to make big water exhibets like the fences and make different sized aviaries and how are we to make the dinos? also are the dilos going to be big or the size of the humans cause in jp they said the dilos were juviniles and they were human sized. And is there a diplodicus?


MemberCompsognathusDec-15-2013 8:22 AM

Just want the game to have both male and female genders so u can create babies like in zoo tycoon. that way the whole point of conservation would be valid n beneficial. 

i want the game to have the freedom of the other game in terms of free roam i the fences break down , but also more skins ! That are in packs u can choose to buy as apposed to all this photoshop stuff. it would help ! so that ppl who dont have a clue like me on photoshop or dont have it,  can still have their own touch on the game with our having to be a techno geek

Hardrisour Hero

MemberCompsognathusDec-15-2013 9:12 AM

DinoSteve are there going to be any ica ade mammels or is it all dinos and how are the aviaries and marine domes going to work?what i mean is are the two enclosures expandble and how will dinos be made in them and where could we place them?



MemberCompsognathusDec-15-2013 9:36 AM

It'll have all you listed Jhawkins! ;)

And Hardrisour, as I said in the other topic, just PM me. The Marine Dome and aviary will be just two paddock-buildings, in which you can walk in and see the creatures. Perhaps you'll be able to add updates as you make more researches, and make more money. And about animals, Ice age mammaks are yet to be decided.

Proud founder of the site Theropods Wiki! www.theropods.wikia.com


MemberCompsognathusDec-15-2013 11:30 AM
I want that when I stand in front of the t-rex if I don't move he doesen't see me.


MemberCompsognathusDec-15-2013 12:06 PM
And that there are all kinds of raptors : the female by jp1 and the male by jp2 and female and male by jp3

Lord Vader

MemberTyrannosaurus RexDec-15-2013 2:43 PM

Just saw the list, sweet. Would it be possible to put dinosaurs of different species (Rex and Tarbo, for example), in the same enclosure and have crossbreeding (that would be cool, I think at least).


Jack of all trades. Master of none


MemberCompsognathusDec-15-2013 2:52 PM

Wow, never thought at that. Well, it would be freaking cool, but it's very unlikely!

Proud founder of the site Theropods Wiki! www.theropods.wikia.com

Hardrisour Hero

MemberCompsognathusDec-15-2013 3:43 PM

I want the ability to epand on certain building like in simcity 5. what i man is like if i want to increase breeding but only to certain species if i want a lot of them i can add a incubator which decreases the time to make a dino. This could also work for the safari cars and otherattractions for more cars and boats to go at once if you want to have different trails. ps will there be paths or is everything in cars and ballons and boats?

Airman Allo

MemberCompsognathusDec-15-2013 10:37 PM

Have to have Allosaurus :)


MemberCompsognathusDec-20-2013 9:29 AM

the most important for me that i want to see this giganotosaurus:

plus with the giga:

+size:larger than t.rex,but smaller than spino

+bite force:stronger than spino,but lighter than t.rex

+it could live in pack

+50km/h top speed

for other dinosaurs:

-when a carcharodontosaur,allosur,or megaraptor bite a rival or prey the rivals health sill going down cause the meat slasher teeth,made the rival collapsed in the end.

-realistic,or at least better fights


My blog:http://prehistoric-world.blogspot.hu/


MemberCompsognathusDec-22-2013 5:58 AM

how do I use the test island,I downloaded it but do not know how to use it. help!!!!!!!!!

Sci-Fi King25

MemberAllosaurusDec-22-2013 12:00 PM

I want to see lots of dinosaurs and good graphics.


“Banana oil.”- George Takei, Gigantis: The Fire Monster


MemberCompsognathusDec-26-2013 1:16 PM

Well, aside from the obvious dinosaurs, i would really like to see Aerial units, like pteranodons and sht.


And maybe some sea support, Pleisiosaurs, mosarus, maybe some sharks, Megalodon.


Also, wayy larger map, like, 2-4 times larger than OG. And dinamic enviroments, not flat palm trees that dinosaurs walk through, variety of large obstacle like Trees and vines (remember the Spino in J3 couldent pass through the trees to get the tourists) and bumpy terrain that isnt always flat.

 Edit: Also, i know there are a lot of butthurt T-rex fans from the JP3, but plz dont make the Spino a wussy that always loses, matches between a Rex and Spino should be 50/50 to be fair.

albeit, i may be asking for 2 much >.>

Hardrisour Hero

MemberCompsognathusDec-26-2013 1:20 PM

well most of that is actually lready real. Aquatc and flying aimals are real and the islands be much bigger. But i like the idea of different trees and dense trees that dinos can,t pass through.

Hardrisour Hero

MemberCompsognathusJan-11-2014 4:38 PM

this just came to mind, what about extra safty? In jpog the only things for the vivitors were food, bathroom, saftey from the rangers, and the extra comfort. What about a fire Station because there is tons of electricity so shoudn't there be fires? Also i wpold like to see a visitor clinic or hospital for people who run into accidents in the rides or get sick. One last thing is a police or security for people like if someone tries to murder people or tries to steal the dinosaur technology. If thathappened then the usr would lose a percentage of the dna progress on radom dinosaurs and it is more likely for more popular dinos dna to be stolen.


MemberCompsognathusJan-15-2014 1:48 PM

I think that it would be a great idea to not have hatcheries for dinosaurs or not for less dangerous dinosaurs and if hatcheries are not included then maybe they start off as eggs!

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