Jurassic World Movies

New jurassic park game for ps4 n XBO

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MemberCompsognathusJun-19-2013 4:13 AM
With the new film looking now to come out 2015, i think there may be a chance of a game being released. Surely it would make sense! It could have alot of potential , with the new game console technology from ps4 n XBOX one! The graphics would be immense an the game depth would be good cos the blubray discs hold more memory. What do u guys think? What type of game would you like to see? Me personally would like a game similar to the arcade lost world game, that never got old to play :)
33 Replies


MemberCompsognathusJan-19-2014 9:19 PM

Thank goodness I have an Xbox one.

However what is the name of this new Jurassic Park game?

Oh... it's called jurassic world(NOT THE MOVIE) Here's a trailer for the game:



MemberCompsognathusJan-22-2014 9:14 PM

I would like to see it were you can play as the Dinosaurs or humans like were the dinosaurs hunt both the humans and other dinos........ lets just say like a Primal Carnage theme Xbox 360 and PS3.

If I could be anything I would be a Trex.



MemberCompsognathusDec-25-2014 1:41 PM

That will look awesome on the new consoles I would love to see males dionsaurs and No Poulation for the dinosaurs and more sites also the dinosaur which a carnivore had tooken down will stay where it had been killed and the big carnivores will fight over the meat or defeanding their offspring that will be so awesome I played Jurrasic Park Operation Genesis for my first Xbox and Ps2 I was happy unitl I did not see any males and the population reached 60 the limit for dinosaurs that made me really sad. When I was doing the park I had a trick which I can't remember that I had four big carnivors in the same pen they was not fighting they was hunting together a Spino, A Tyrannosaurs Rex, a Carndondonosaursus and Acroudonosaurs in the same pen the woman did not tell me that they had rabies all four of them but they did not fight when they should have oh I am so exited I can't wait for it to come out for PS4 I will be saving up for an Xbox One since my old Xbox 360 is braking down <3

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