Jurassic World Movies

jurassic park the game 2: Site B

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MemberCompsognathusApr-08-2013 1:24 PM
what are our chances of seeing a second jurassic park the game by telltale???? but this time site B... as you all remember the game takes place during the movie.... i think the second jurassic park the game should happen on site b (after the isla nublar incident) i think its highly likely that we'll see a second game fans have been begging for a second one if you remember hammond says the had to evacuate everyone as fast as they could before the costa rican government got suspicious and blew up site b the plot of this game takes place during that chaos isla sorena suffers less rain and chaos then site a but the storm is so bad it sends the animals wild lots of the carnivores are breaking out of they're cages they send out the security team in the chopper to take down the raging caractdanoasur (worst spelling of that ever) they tranq it but it trips itself and slams into the power generator... shutting down the power and killing itself the power outage takes out the back up generator too but the chaos was happening before the cara crashed into the generator they evacuated most the staff except for a couple of scientists and the chopper team when the storm crushes the dock to the boat and the boat sails off the team bunkers themselves in the second facility on site b (much like the one in the book) ingen took a tally of who made it to the boat 11 people didn't make it the storm had battered the ship very badly stalling its engine... due to the engine failures the boat didn't make it back to mainland for 3 1/2 days they're phones went out as well... the survivors will have to survive for the next 3 days next day 7 survivors wake in the break room of the laboratory one (terry gord) begins his daily routines he starts the coffee machine and begins making oatmeal... the second labrotory runs off steam from the volcanoes underground theres 2 security personnel a pilot 3 scientists and someone else.... as the oatmeal finishes terry grabs a bowl and a spoon and begins hitting them together waking up the group they begin shaking hands and introducing themselves but one doesn't a man of 30 wearing a red shirt and a funny hat... (dodgson) as the group finishes the girl scientist (diana fatigue) spots the man and asks him a question dodgson freezes, he had been with nima and her associate on the boat he was "investigating" isla sorena following rumours of they're being some giant animals on it from local fishermen he was on the boat when the captain spotted his biosyn bag he threw him over borad dodgson swam to the island and stole an ingen jacket not knowing what to expect he just went onto the island.. his first mistake a pack of raptors found him and hunted him down as night came dodgson found the main facility he saw the cara crash into the power box plunging the compound into darkness except for that of red caution lights the chopper landed near dodgson he and a bunch of other people ran to it as the chopper lifted off as he looked back to the facility he saw an explosion of the workers village and the chopper took off to the second facility dodgson took this advantage and looked for a weapon, all he could find were the guards guns he took them off there belts and hid them in his bag terry explains to the group that this facility is more of an outpost rather then a facility it stores food for the animals and the lysine and some other supplies it has phones but they can only call the main facility the group looks for options or ways out terry and diana lok outside all the cars were swept away in the storm the choper took too hard of a landing and is in need of dire repair, dodgson follows the people taking up a cover of being a intern for ingen sent to the island he want too learn everything he can from the inside diana suggests they go through the tunnels of the island but she's interrupted by a roaring tyrannosaur bursting through the wall of the building the guarda goes for there gun... they dont have it one guard takes the coffe machine and throws it and the dinosaur spooking it the rex retreats the guard motions to the storage room because they've all seen the rex spooked and it always returns raged the gaurds grab 2 dart guns and lock the steel door as they run into the tunnels little do they know these tunnels lead across the whole island end of episode 1 i think they will do something like that seeing how the first game was pretty good the game dosent have to go to isla sorena it could happen in the setting of jp4 but how would they go to jp 4 if it hasn't been released ??? very simple the game designers read parts of the script and try to invision the island(s) the best they can thats what kenner did for the jp action figures It would be great if telltale did another jp game... episode 2 script coming....whenever i feel like writing it

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way

16 Replies


MemberCompsognathusApr-10-2013 9:18 AM
im currently working on episode 2

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusApr-14-2013 9:57 AM
Sounds like a great game.

Anna Liz

MemberCompsognathusApr-14-2013 7:44 PM
Question about the first Jurassic Park: the Game........ So I've completed the game but there are still scenes in episode one and two i believe, that are still locked. How do i access them?!


MemberCompsognathusApr-14-2013 8:34 PM
hmm i have no idea after you've beaten the whole game it should allow you to "freeplay" on the scenarios you chose just a question what (name) scenarios are locked? try going through the whole game again to unlock

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusApr-16-2013 8:44 PM
An interesting thought. I know a lot of people were disappointed with Telltale's version (I thoroughly enjoyed it, honestly, but can still see where there could have been improvements.), but after their massive success with The Walking Dead, I'd love to see them get another shot at JP.


MemberCompsognathusApr-17-2013 9:05 AM
i didnt have my copy (got the deluxe one glad i did) until mid september (ordered in may) all i did was watch the youtube videos to the game.... i think the reason is because it puts you in the directors seat and not the fps seat, but telltale ALWAYS does that.... so it didn't surprise me because i had seen the games before, most of the disappointed people were jp fans who were expecting more (i like the game but it could've used more) id love to see telltale take another crack at it but with more fps in it.... [size=1]blasted walking dead[/size]

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusMay-05-2013 12:28 PM
The telltale game was awful. Aside from a few very nicely done scenes that were stunning visually, the game and plot were atrocious. Honestly telltale should be embarrassed.


MemberCompsognathusMay-05-2013 9:00 PM
well i guess it was a bit bad but they still have licensing rights so they can take another crack at it

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusMay-06-2013 1:38 AM
I just got all 4 episodes from jurassic park the game on my IPad and I am loving it! It is so much fun on the ipad and I love it too... I mainly like it because iris a whole other look at the world of jurassic park and i love the marine exhibit! Super cool!


MemberCompsognathusMay-06-2013 9:10 AM
heres the catch about telltales games there not spose to be FPS's because the theme of telltales games puts you in the director seat, THATS WHAT MAKES IT INTERESTING also when i go first news of another jp game i sent away for it immediately paid 50 bucks but i got it before the i pads one came out i got the deluxe edition ill take some pics later (deluxe edition is AMAZING great for any jp nut) i liked it also because it showed us more of the park then the movie but with the next jp returning to nublar we may see another side character adventure from telltale :D dont let us down telltale

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusMay-06-2013 10:06 PM
[img]https://www.telltalegames.com/images/jpdeluxe/JP_deluxe.jpg[/img] this is what i got if your really into the game i suggest you get this 50 bucks and you get an id badge a map of the island and the game and the brochure screen accurate and a ingen field journal

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusMay-07-2013 9:12 AM
i think if they were going to do this for the next game it would include a shirt that says :SITE B TEAM ingen isla sorena, a park badge, an ingen sticker, some sort of trinket and other things you would've found on site b (some items from the book maybe?)

Life cannot be contained, it breaks walls, crashes through barriers sometimes painfully, but uh... Life uh, finds a way


MemberCompsognathusMay-15-2013 9:49 AM
i watched youtube video's of this game and it looked pretty fun it was awesome to watch. but i highly doubt that they will make a sequal because the game got bad scores.
KING KAIJU 1 small step for kaiju 1 giant step for godzilla!!!!


MemberCompsognathusJun-05-2013 1:34 PM
I want that deluxe edition really bad now. :) Dont have the money though. Any who, I found a t-shirt idea that you could include in the Site-B pack. [url=http://www.buycoolshirts.com/jurassic-park-t-shirt-park-staff-white.html]Staff T-Shirt[/url] Hopefully the deaths are a little more dramatic than the 1st. [url=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=98mePT_IDp0]Death Scenes of JP the game[/url]
God creates dinosaurs. God destroys dinosaurs. God creates man. Man destroys God. Man creates dinosaurs.


MemberCompsognathusSep-03-2013 8:30 AM
Judging by how badly the game did it is unlikely there will be a second game, on a global level it wasn't even worth a UK release for Xbox as they knew from US sales it would do no better, the graphics are very poor everything looks plastic and there is next to no game play to really speak of. I have played it and enjoyed it for its story and for taking us back to Jurassic Park but a few hard core fans is not enough to produce a new game.

indiana jones

MemberCompsognathusNov-30-2013 8:29 PM

"That is one big pile of sh*t" -Doctor Ian Malcom

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